Perform a Lecture!
A series of Lecture Performances in 2010 by THE OFFICE (Ellen Blumenstein, with Katharina Fichtner and Fiona Geuß).
Artists. Dan Graham/Nicolas Guagnini, Pedro Marques, Ellie Ga, Erik Bünger, Olivia Plender/Romeo Gongora, Will Holder.
Conversations. Felix Ensslin, Eric de Bruyn, Solvej Ovesen, Clemens Krümmel, Christoph Gurk, Kim Einarsson, Dorothea von Hantelmann, Helmut Draxler.
Locations. Hufeisensiedlung/Eternithaus, Salon Populaire/Kunstsaele Berlin, ICI Kulturlabor Berlin, Radialsystem V, .HBC, Arsenal.
Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.